OSHA 40 Hour HAZWOPER Online

As a student of this course, you will receive 100% online instruction meeting the initial HAZWOPER training requirements for 29 CFR 1910.120(e) and 29 CFR 1926.65(e). Training topics include HAZWOPER regulations, hazardous materials recognition, toxicity, exposure limits, risk evaluation, and technology methods. You will also receive training on chemical spill containment, the decontamination process, site control, personal protective equipment (PPE), safety and health programs, and much more. Our Online 40 Hour HAZWOPER training course provides high quality, up-to-date training for those who are exposed or potentially exposed to hazardous materials or substances and health hazards on the job or at hazardous waste sites. This course provides 40 hours of in-depth instruction to general site workers, such as equipment operators, general laborers and supervisory personnel, who perform or supervise post emergency response activities and clean-up operations/remediation.

The final 8 hours of the online training includes 100 video clips which provide equipment demonstrations in great detail. The HAZWOPER video demonstrations include: Respirators and typical use; Level-A suits and their donning and doffing; Level-B suits and their donning; Chemical Protective Clothing (CPC) components and accessories; Monitors and detection devices; as well as additional tools and equipment used by HAZWOPER workers.

After the 40 Hr HAZWOPER course is completed, an annual 8 Hour HAZWOPER Refresher course is required to stay current.

Equipment Training

Equipment training, whether online or hands-on, often involves equipment which differs from the specific equipment used at a specific worksite. Online HAZWOPER training is well-suited for workers who will not use equipment on the job or who will be receiving follow-up training from their employer or a local training provider with the actual equipment to be used. With our online equipment training, students will be able to review our detailed HAZWOPER equipment videos as often as needed during the course. In all cases, it is imperative that workers become familiar with, and are properly trained to use, handle, don and doff the actual equipment and PPE at their worksite that would be used in an emergency.

For more information on OSHA HAZWOPER training requirements or the HAZWOPER courses we offer, visit our HAZWOPER Training page or view our Infographic.

Quality, Convenience & Safety

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Course Format

This course was designed by Certified Outreach Trainers, but that’s not all you should consider when looking for a high quality HAZWOPER course. When you’re working, your health and safety are on the line. For this reason, all of of our trainers are also working professionals, who have had many years of real-world working experience and who actually use their HAZWOPER knowledge, training and equipment in their everyday jobs.

We also have taken care to provide you with the best online training user experience possible. This 40 Hour HAZWOPER online course is fully narrated, self-paced and available 24/7 through our state-of-the-art Online Training System (OTS). In addition, the course is now mobile friendly*. The course features interactive training modules, which combine audio narration, text, photos and video to help you remain engaged in the course material and retain what you have learned. We also provide a downloadable student manual for the course, so you can refresh your knowledge at any time. The course can be completed in sections, at your convenience, using a computer with an internet connection. Your course progress will be saved to the last section completed and you are provided 6 months to complete the course after enrollment. We are so certain you will be satisfied with your experience, that we offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee*.

Once the course is completed, you will immediately be able to download, save or print your Course Completion Certificate which is provided in PDF format. Within 24 hours of course completion, you will also be mailed a PVC credit card style Wallet ID Card with optional photo, showing training course completion.

Course Exams

  • This HAZWOPER 40 Hour training course includes 9 exams. One exam must be taken after the completion of each of the first 9 modules. There is no Final Exam.
  • Each exam consists of 10 questions, which are randomly compiled from a large pool of possible questions.
  • A 70% or better score is needed in order to pass each exam. If a student does not pass, they may re-review information in the modules and sections as necessary, and retake the test as many times as needed in order to pass.

Course Outline

Module 1
Section Introduction & Legal Issues
1 40 Hour HAZWOPER Course Overview
Learning objectives | Key terms | Pre-assessment quiz | What is HAZWOPER? | The HAZWOPER acronym | 40 hour HAZWOPER workers | Training vs. work experience | HAZWOPER equipment training | HAZWOPER PPE | Follow-up hands-on training.
2 Module Overview
3 Introduction to OSHA
The OSH Act | OSHA’s creation | OSHA’s mission | OSHA approved state programs | Employee rights and responsibilities | OSHA and recordkeeping.
4 Introduction to HAZWOPER
Who needs HAZWOPER training | The Federal OSHA HAZWOPER regulation | HAZWOPER definitions.
5 HAZWOPER Training
HAZWOPER training levels | HAZWOPER training requirements | Refresher training.
6 Regulatory Compliance
Laws vs. regulations | Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) | 29 CFR | EPA, OSHA and PHMSA’s mission | CERCLA, RCRA, SARA and HAZWOPER purpose | Toxics Release Inventory (TRI).
7 Safety and Health Program
Safety and Health Program vs. Safety and Health Plan | Requirements and characteristics | Supervisor responsibilities | Standard operating procedures and guidelines. 
8 Medical Surveillance
Medical surveillance requirements | Components and importance of a medical surveillance program | Pre-employment screening | Emergency and non-emergency treatment. 
Exam 1
Module 2
Section Toxicology
9 Module Overview 
10 Introduction to Toxicology
What is toxicology? | Toxicology definitions | Important toxicology events | Worker risks.  
11 The Importance of Dosage
Dosage defined | Types of doses | Standard measurement units | Toxicological factors | Dose-response relationship | Human impact.
12 Types of Toxic Substances
Risky locations and situations | Toxic substances and the body | Effects of toxic substances. 
13 Toxicological Effects
Four routes of entry | Acute and chronic toxicity | Effects of exposure to carcinogens | Toxic chemical interactions. 
14 Factors That Influence Toxicity
Factors that impact substance toxicity and individual resistance.
Exam 2
Module 3
Section Chemical Hazards
15 Module Overview
16 Introduction to Industrial Hygiene
Function and goals of an Industrial Hygienist | Worksite analysis | Hierarchy of controls | Workplace hazard types and prevention. 
17 Biological Hazards
Types and characteristics of biological hazards | Methods of protection | Responses to exposure. 
18 The Hazard Communication
Benefits of the Hazard Communication Standard and the Globally Harmonized System | GHS label | Safety Data Sheets | Hazcom responsibilities.
19 Physical and Chemical Properties
States of matter | Substance transition between states | Physical vs. chemical properties.
20 Introduction to Radiation
Harmful and non-harmful types of radiation | Radioactive decay | Measuring radiation | Radiation protection. 
Exam 3
Module 4
Section Physical Hazards
21 Module Overview
22 Walking and Working Surfaces
Regulations | Slips, trips and falls in HAZWOPER environments | Causes and types of slips, trips and falls. 
23 Fall Prevention and Protection
Fall prevention and protection hierarchy of controls | Types of fall protection | Circumstances where fall protection is needed.
24 Electrical Hazards
Electricity flow through circuits | Common conductors and insulators | Water and electricity | Electrical shock and electrocution | Electrical hazards | Hazard prevention.
25 Introduction to Confined Spaces
Confined space definition | Non-permit and permit required confined spaces |Confined space hazards | Training levels. 
26 Cold Illnesses and Injuries
Risks of working in cold environments | Common cold-related illnesses and injuries | Cold stress protection. 
27 Heat Illnesses and Injuries
What is heat stress? | Heat stress factors | Types and treatments of heat-related illnesses.
28 Heat Illness Prevention
Minimizing risks | Prevention methods | Heat Illness Prevention Program.
29 Using the Heat Index
Heat index vs. temperature | OSHA tools | Methods to reduce heat-related illnesses. 
30 Other Physical Hazards
General safety methods | Safety programs | Special training. 
Exam 4
Module 5
Section Basic PPE Overview
31 Module Overview
32 Introduction to Personal Protective Equipment
PPE definition | OSHA General Industry Standards | Training requirements | Hierarchy of controls for workplace hazards | Hazard assessment | HAZWOPER PPE. 
33 Introduction to Respiratory Protection
When is respiratory protection needed? | Purpose and function of a respirator | Voluntary and required use | Fit testing and medical evaluations | NIOSH’s role. 
34 Introduction to Chemical Protective Clothing (CPC)
When is CPC necessary? | EPA levels | Chemicals and CPC | CPC modifications and accessories. 
35 Introduction to Monitoring and Detection
Purpose of monitoring and detection | Monitor or detector characteristics | Hazards where monitors or detectors can be used.
36 PPE for the Head, Eyes, Face, and Ears
Head protection and necessity | Types of head protection | Hazard types | OSHA requirements and ANSI standards.
37 PPE for the Hands and Feet
Common hazards to hands and feet | Types of gloves and selection | Types of foot and leg protection and selection | Hand and foot protection for HAZWOPER workers. 
Exam 5
Module 6
Section Waste Site Operations
38 Module Overview
39 Site Characterization and Analysis
Qualified Person | Information and use | Three phases of site characterization and analysis | Environmental site assessment.  
40 Site Control Tactics and Strategy
Site preparation and site control program | Elements of a Site Control Program | Barrier tape and work zones | In-suit communication and the Buddy System.
41 Job Hazard Analysis
What is a Job Hazard Analysis? | Focus, goal and benefits | When is a JHA needed? | Employee involvement. 
42 Handling Drums and Containers
Drum and container hazards | Precautions and inspection procedures | Moving procedures | Lab packs and overpacking | DOT hazmat employee definition. 
43 Sampling Methods and Procedures
Purpose of sampling | Sample types, methods, and analyses | Quality control. 
44 Managing Chemical Spills
Planning and spill response | Incidental and uncontrolled releases | Steps in a spill response | Containment, confinement, and control per NFPA 472 | Spill response methods and equipment.
45 Introduction to Decontamination
Permeation rates | Decontamination plan revision | Methods of decontamination | Assessing effectiveness of decontamination. 
46 Emergency Response
Emergency response definition: Waste site operations; TSDF’s; Hazmat emergency response | Emergency Response Plan vs. Emergency Action Plan | Pre-emergency planning | ERP components | ERP and EAP access. 
47 Understanding Temporary HAZWOPER Worksites
Emergent and non-emergent hazardous waste sites | Emergent hazardous waste sites and the temporary worker | OSHA protections | Employer and staffing agency responsibilities | Fatigue | Temporary HAZWOPER worksite requirements. 
Exam 6
Module 7
Section Using Respiratory Protection
48 Module Overview
49 Using Respiratory Protection
Hierarchy of controls | Respiratory Protection Program | Medical evaluation, fit testing, and training | Categories of airborne and atmospheric hazards. 
50 Types of Respiratory Protection
Assigned Protection Factor (APF) | Respirator types | When are respirators needed? | Filter classifications. 
51 Respirator Selection and Use
Selection of respiratory protection | Immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH) | Proper use procedures. 
52 Respirator Medical Evaluation
Medical exam, evaluation, and questionnaire | Criteria for respirator use | Medical re-evaluation | Costs.
53 Respirator Fit Testing
Types of respirators | Protection factor | Qualitative and quantitative fit testing | Process and purpose | Fit test exercises. 
54 Respirator Training Requirements
Elements of a Respirator Training Program | Job-specific respirator training | Initial and subsequent respirator training | Voluntary respirator usage.
55 Respirator Maintenance and Care
Maintenance program | Cleaning and disinfecting respirators | Storage | Inspections | Repair | Compressed air, liquid air, and oxygen | Air compressors.
Exam 7
Module 8
Section Using Chemical Protective Clothing (CPC)
56 Module Overview
57 Medical Considerations for Wearing CPC
Injury and illness prevention | Medical surveillance | Medical monitoring | Checking vital signs. 
58 Using Chemical Protective Clothing
Purpose of CPC | Chemical Protective Clothing Management Program | CPC selection | Issues and limitations with CPC. 
59 Chemical Protective Clothing Selection
Selection factors | Ensemble components | Best CPC match for hazards | Shortfalls of ensembles | CPC re-evaluation. 
60 Chemical Protective Clothing Classifications
61 Donning and Doffing CPC
Donning and doffing procedures and order | Specific procedures: negative- and positive-pressure facepiece tests | Importance of proper donning and doffing | Consequences of poor execution.  
62 Inspection Storage and Maintenance of CPC
When is equipment inspection needed? | Purpose of inspections and recordkeeping | Hazards with improperly stored equipment | OSHA’s Technical Manual guidelines for storing CPC | Levels of equipment repair. 
63 Decontaminating and Cleaning CPC
Field and Secondary Decontamination | Reusable and disposable items | Contaminated garments | Retiring protective garments | Disposal of contaminated and uncontaminated garments. 
Exam 8
Module 9
Section Using Monitoring & Detection Devices
64 Module Overview
65 Preventing Sparks During Gas Detection
HAZWOPER workers and equipment sparks | Flammable range | Fire triangle | Hazardous NEC classes, divisions, and groups; IEC zones | NEC definitions | Markings. 
66 Sensor Technology
Sample draw and diffusion | Types of gas sensors | Determine the right sensor by situation.
67 Types of Gas Detection Systems
Fixed and portable gas detection systems | Scenarios for use | Single- or multi-gas monitors.
68 Using Colorimetric Tubes
What is a colorimetric tube? | Advantages and disadvantages of use | Types of colorimetric tube pumps | Variety of tubes | Basic operation. 
69 Using Combustible Gas Indicators
CGI readings | Conversion factors | Combustible gas detector vs. combustible gas indicator | Consultations | OSHA’s standard.
70 FIDs and PIDs
Volatile Organic Compounds | Photoionization Detectors (PIDs) and Flame Ionization Detectors (FIDs) | Advantages and disadvantages of PIDs and FIDs | PID and FID function | PIDs vs. Combustible Gas Indicators (CGIs) | Corrections Factors. 
71 Other Detection Devices
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) | IAQ testing necessity | Radiation information sources | Methods of IAQ testing.
Exam 9
Module 10
Section Video Equipment Familiarization
72 Module Overview
73 Video – Respirators
Testing frequency and service life | Differences in respiratory protection | Pre-donning inspection of respiratory equipment | Donning methods for respiratory protection.
74 Video – Level A
Level-A ensemble components | Testing Level-A suits | Donning, doffing, and storing a Level-A ensemble.
75 Video – Level B
Level-B ensemble components | Level-A vs. Level-B ensembles | Don and doff Level-B ensemble.
76 Video – CPC Components and Accessories
Identify components and accessories | Inner and outer gloves, chemical boots, and boot covers | In-suit communication methods. 
77 Video – Monitoring and Detection
Types of detection and monitoring devices | Function and purpose | Device tests and OSHA requirements | Care and storage. 
78 Video – Miscellaneous Tools and Equipment
Tools for chemical identification, drum sampling, and spills | Spill kit | HAZWOPER equipment alternatives. 
79 Video – Decontamination
Goals of decontamination | Components of the decontamination process | When are decontamination procedures necessary? | Decontamination tools.
Summary & Conclusion


This HAZWOPER training online course was designed by OSHA Certified Outreach Trainers and is OSHA accepted. The course meets the requirements for OSHA safety regulations 29 CFR 1910.120(e) and 29 CFR 1926.65(e).

40 Hour HAZWOPER Certification

Once the course is completed, you will immediately be able to download, save or print your 40 Hour HAZWOPER Certificate of Course Completion provided in PDF format. Within 24 hours of course completion, you will also be mailed a PVC credit card style Wallet ID Card with optional photo, showing training course completion. Our 40 Hour HAZWOPER Certification FAQs answer HAZWOPER Certificate questions.

Course Objectives

The objectives of this OSHA 40 Hour HAZWOPER training course are to meet:

  • Federal OSHA HAZWOPER training requirements of 29 CFR 1910.120(e)(3)(i) for general industry
  • Federal OSHA HAZWOPER training requirements of 29 CFR 1926.65(e)(3)(i) for construction
  • HAZWOPER training requirements for EPA and State OSHA regulations

Per 29 CFR 1910.120(e)(3)(i) and 29 CFR 1926.65(e)(3)(i):

General site workers (such as equipment operators, general laborers and supervisory personnel) engaged in hazardous substance removal or other activities which expose or potentially expose workers to hazardous substances and health hazards shall receive a minimum of 40 hours of instruction off the site, and a minimum of three days actual field experience under the direct supervision of a trained experienced supervisor.

Learning Objectives

After completing this 40 Hour OSHA training, the student should be able to:

  • Understand Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) HAZWOPER regulations and compliance, as well as other laws impacting HAZWOPER workers
  • Identify OSHA training requirements for HAZWOPER workers
  • Understand the importance of a Health and Safety Program
  • Describe an effective Medical Surveillance Program
  • Identify and minimize hazardous waste site hazards through site characterization and control procedures
  • Use reference sources to identify hazardous substances and determine their hazards
  • Understand the principles of basic toxicology related to chemical exposure
  • Select and use the proper HAZWOPER worker personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Recognize the medical considerations in the use of Chemical Protective Clothing (CPC)
  • Identify the principles and methods of decontamination
  • Understand hazardous substance physical and chemical properties
  • Realize the necessity for emergency preparedness
  • Demonstrate confined spaces awareness
  • Know the OSHA Hazardous Communication Standard
  • Understand the techniques used for a hazardous substance spill and containment
  • Identify different sampling methods and procedures
  • Know about the detection and monitoring tools HAZWOPER workers use

Course Options

Additional options for this course include a package deal when taken with our (Initial) OSHA 8 Hour HAZWOPER Supervisor Training. We also offer an Online/Classroom option, which provides 32 hours of online training plus 8 hours of hands-on training in a classroom. See all of our 40 Hour HAZWOPER course options, including classroom courses.

Course Name Reg. Price Sale Price
OSHA 40 Hour HAZWOPER Online $350 $210
Package Deal – Includes both the Online OSHA 40 Hr HAZWOPER & Online OSHA 8 Hr HAZWOPER Supervisor Initial $400 $268

The desired HAZWOPER 40 Hour course option must be selected at enrollment.

Additional Training

To comply with OSHA regulations, students of the OSHA 40 Hour training course will be required to take an annual OSHA 8 Hour HAZWOPER Refresher Online training course.

Please note that this course provides valuable online OSHA HAZWOPER training information and safety training videos which apply to a general population of employees. This course is not meant to replace company-specific, function-specific, or PPE training provided by your employer or required by OSHA standards on equipment use and procedures for your particular work environment. If a worker is going to use protective equipment on the job, they must be trained on proper use of the equipment prior to use. You must be trained by your employer on the hazards, hazardous materials, safety equipment, engineering and administrative controls, safe work practices, policies and procedures and emergency plans specific to your role and workplace.

For additional HAZWOPER information, see the EPA HAZWOPER Fact Sheet or OSHA HAZWOPER Fact Sheet. These documents provide the scope and purpose of the worker protection standards and help facilitate compliance with HAZWOPER requirements.

In ALL situations, employers are required to ensure their employees are adequately trained to do their job.

HAZWOPER training on donning and doffing ppe

The HazMat Student Advantage

Student Advantages

Package Deal Special Offer

Package Includes Both Courses Below at a Promotional Price:

Online OSHA 40 Hour HAZWOPER &
Online OSHA 8 Hour HAZWOPER Supervisor (Initial)

Online 40 Hour HAZWOPER Price Online 8 Hour HAZWOPER Supervisor (Initial) Price Combined Price Package Deal Price Package Deal Savings
$350 $234.50 $79.95 $53.57 $429.95 $288.07 $400 $268 $20.07