Top 10 Disabling Workplace Injuries | Safety Infographic

Safety in the workplace is everyone’s responsibility. Luckily, there are good tools and information available to help businesses and workers hone in on areas that require special safety attention. Each year, Liberty Mutual produces a Workplace Safety Index which reports on the most disabling U.S. workplace injuries. The figures are partially determined by examining recent workers’ compensation costs and the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau’s statistics regarding nonfatal workplace injuries, causing workers to miss six or more days from work.

According to the 2017 report, overexertion from outside sources is the leading cause of disabling workplace injury, accounting for 23% of the total number. Included in this category would be injuries from lifting, pulling, pushing, carrying, holding, or throwing objects. Different types of falls are the second and third leading causes of disabling injuries. 

To help employers and workers digest the 10 leading causes in the report, we have created an Infographic that can be printed and put on display in the workplace or freely shared on the internet. Our hope is that by providing important workplace safety topics in a visual format, that we can all help to increase safety awareness and decrease workplace injuries.  

Spread Safety Awareness! Download and share the PDF version of the below image here: 

Top 10 Most Disabling Workplace Injuries – Infographic.

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<div align="center"><a href=""><img class="" style="width: 569px; height: 1707px; border: 2px solid dimgray; border-width: 2px;" src="" alt="" /></a><div>Provided by: <a href="">HazMat Student, LLC</a></div></div>


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