Raise Your Sights | Scaffolding Safety |
Raise Your Sights | Scaffolding Safety |
Scaffolds are widely used in a variety of industries and are frequently a factor in workplace injuries. There are approximately 4,500 scaffold-related injuries and 50 scaffold-related deaths per year in construction alone. Approximately 72% of the injured workers report that their scaffolding accident was caused by slipping, being struck by a falling object, or the scaffold planking or support giving way.
OSHA has implemented numerous requirements surrounding scaffolds, which need to be reviewed in detail to ensure compliance and safety. Below we’ve put together a general list of safety tips as a reminder to keep scaffold safety at the forefront of your mind.
General Scaffolding Safety
OSHA has provided detailed scaffolding requirements with standards for construction and general industry. To review OSHA requirement information, see their Scaffolding webpage.