Getting to Know OSHA | OSHA’s Mission

OSHA’s mission is to ensure safe and healthy working conditions through setting and enforcing standards, and providing training, education, outreach, and compliance assistance. OSHA has set Construction, General Industry, Maritime and Agriculture standards to prevent a wide variety of hazards. OSHA also requires employers to keep their workplaces free of serious recognized hazards. The OSH Act covers most private sector employers and workers, as well as some in the public sector.

OSHA was established in 1970, when President Nixon signed the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) into law.

Since that time, OSHA and the combined efforts of employers, workers and many others have resulted in improved workplace safety and a reduction in the number of work-related deaths and injuries by over 65%.

OSHA continually creates and enforces standards to protect more and more workers each year, lessening the risks of workplace injury and death. OSHA also provides additional assistance, services, and programs to assist employers in complying with OSHA law. To help employers and workers, OSHA provides educational materials in print and online, including: brochures; fact sheets; posters; newsletters; safety and health topic pages; and guidance documents. View OSHA’s online publications.

Though OSHA’s safety and health standards and activities have helped to prevent countless work-related injuries, illnesses and deaths, unsafe conditions and hazards still exist in U.S. workplaces. Over 3.3 million workers per year suffer job-related injuries and illnesses. Workplace fatalities have been lessened but unfortunately still occur. Millions of workers are exposed to work conditions that may cause future illness. It’s critical that employers and workers be aware of their OSHA responsibilities and rights and play an active role in bringing these numbers down and creating a safe work environment.

Date Posted: 10-08-2015
Tags: osha mission, osha safety topics, osha safety training, osha workplace training,
Categories: OSHA Safety,